February 26, 2010

The Travelling Ookpik - Day Fifteen!

Day fifteen- after 7200 kilometres, the travelling ookpik has finally returned home!

The final leg of Chimo's adventures took him from Richland, Washington all the way back to his snug little home in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The day dawned with a view of the Columbia River and plenty of rain- it should be noted that nothing makes Chimo feel more at home than an everlasting overcast rainfall. It's good to be back, West Coast!

Back on the road, Chimo stopped at a rest-stop for free coffee and took advantage of a chance to be photographed with a 1000+ year old tree stump!

In Bellingham, Chimo stopped for delicious pizza at his favourite Washington-based pizza place (and got carded one last time in order to enjoy a local Bellingham beer)!

Walking back to the car after lunch, Chimo decided to hitch a ride on a goatcart. (HA HA, GET IT?)

Back on the road one last time. Home was nearly at hand when "Vancouver" started appearing on road signs!

Welcome back to Canada, Chimo! Immediately after crossing the border Chimo paused to pose beside the welcome sign to his fair province.

However, no return to Canada would be complete without a Tim's run.

Welcome back to the True North Strong and Free, Chimo!

And thus concludes the (first) adventure of the Travelling Ookpik!
Chimo hopes you have enjoyed following along his epic road trip that took him over 7200 kilometres and through seven states! Chimo also thanks you for your comments and compliments (especially the email from Don Cherry- wink wink).

However, this is not the last you will hear from this little ookpik! Surely there are more adventures in Chimo's future! Chimo will keep you posted, and hopes you will be there to follow along the next time he sets out on the open road!

As we say in Canada- thanks a lot, and chimo*!

* author's note: okay, I know saying "chimo" is a thing of the past, but if ookpiks can make a return, so can outdated Canadian expressions from the 60s! C'mon Canada, we can do it!


  1. I will miss you, Chimo!

    This was a great fun to read, I loved every update! Chimo is just the cutest little bundle of fluff, I hope to see him again soon!

  2. Oh man, such a great ookpik adventure. Good food, good sights, good trip.

  3. Awesome journey Ookpik! Good food, great places, successful trip!
